A.A. Maslennikov (Moscow) – Ceramic Stamps and Chronology of the Pustynny Bereg III Settlement, the Crimean Azov Region |
5 |
S.Ju. Saprykin (Moscow) – Euripides’ Tragedy “Iphigenia among the Taurians” as a Source on the History of Chersonesus Taurica |
26 |
M.N. Rastegaeva (Saratov) – On the Question of Olbia Participation in the Roman- Bosporan War of AD 45–49 |
58 |
А.А. Kleymenov (Tula) – Philip II’s Conflict with the Triballi in 339 BC |
76 |
M.M. Kholod (Saint Petersburg) – Alexander the Great’s Empire: Satrapies and Dependent Territories (Part 3) |
89 |
O.S. Enzeldt (Yaroslavl) – Problems of Organology in the Study of Ancient Greek String Musical Instruments from the Lyre Family |
103 |
V.A. Konopatkin (Moscow) – Roman Emperor`s Power and Public Festivities in the Late Fourth and Fifth Centuries |
115 |
L.M. Shmeleva (Kazan) – The First Roman-Carthagian Treaty in the Context of International Relations in the Western Mediterranean in the Second Half of the Sixth Century BC |
126 |
A.V. Vasilyev (Saint Petersburg) – On the Historicity of the evocatio deorum and its Use in the Case of Juno Regina from Veii |
141 |
T.V. Kudryavtseva (Saint Petersburg) – Aemilia Pudentilla: the Modest Charm of a Provincial Matron |
153 |
Zh.M. Sukhova (Nizhny Novgorod) – Religious Diversity and Features of Religious Teachings in Palestine Cities in Late Antiquity |
166 |
D.V. Beylin (Kerch), V.P. Yaylenko (Moscow) – Jewish Epitaphs from the Pavlovsky Cape Necropolis near Panticapaeum |
183 |
T.V. Egorova, G.S. Chebyshev (Moscow) – A Shaft-Bi-Chamber Grave in the Tanais Necropolis (2022) |
212 |
N.I. Vinokurov, V.P. Yaylenko (Moscow) – Temple of Zeus Genarch with Dedication Inscription of King Pharnaces at the Artezian Settlement (the Crimean Azov Region) |
231 |
A.E. Negin, M.S. Shestakova (Nizhny Novgorod) – Non-Destructive Research of the 12th– 13th cc. Helmet from Gorodets |
272 |
A.K. Nefedkin (Belgorod) – In Memory of the Leningrad Classical Scholar Konstantin Pavlovich Lampsakov (1914–1941) |
283 |
V.V. Gerasimova (Moscow) – “Brown-Clay” Amphorae: Historiography and the State of Current Research |
297 |
N.A. Pavlichenko, T.A. Prokhorova (Moscow) – Correspondence between V.V. Latyshev and K.K. Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich in the Archives of Saint Petersburg and Sevastopol |
308 |
Materials of the Round Table ‘‘Rock Art Studies’’ |
G.G. Korol (Moscow) – Or nithomorphic Motifs of Medieval Artistic Metal from the Sayan-Altai and Tien Shan |
317 |
Materials of the Round Table “Current Research in Ethnoarchaeology and Historical Ethnology (Magnitogorsk, November 11–12, 2024)” |
A.A. Osipova (Magnitogorsk) – Creation of Writing is the Only Way to Preserve the Nağaybäks Ethnos |
338 |
A.N. Mikhin, S.G. Shulezhkova (Magnitogorsk) – Traditional Clothes of the Cossak- Nağaybäks (Based on N.P. Vasilyev’s Collection Materials) |
340 |
N.V. Pozdnyakova, S.A. Anokhina (Magnitogorsk) – Nağaybäks\' Ideas about Woman and her Role in the Family (Based on Proverbs and Sayings) |
345 |