The article analyzes the causes, course and consequences of the military clash between the army of Philip II and the Triballi in 339 BC. It is determined that the prerequisite for the conflict was the Triballi’s claims to part of the spoils captured by Philip after the defeat of the Scythian king Ateas. Having a relatively small army, moreover, burdened with trophy cattle and prisoners, the Macedonian king fell into an ambush prepared by the Thracians. After the Triballi’s demand to cede them part of the spoils was rejected, the extended column of the Macedonian army was suddenly attacked. The Macedonians did not have the opportunity to resort to their usual tactics. In the chaotic battle that unfolded, Philip received a serious wound, repeatedly mentioned in the ancient written tradition, and the Triballi were able to appropriate the Scythian spoils. What happened was possible due to the Thracians’ good command of the “small war” techniques and the miscalculations of the Macedonian command, which did not take into account the vulnerability of its forces and neglected intelligence, which was especially necessary in those conditions. As a result, the authority of the Argead monarchy was undermined, and the Triballi temporarily strengthened their positions in the region.
Philip II, Macedonia, Triballi, Thrace, Justin, Ateas.
Аleksandr А. Kleymenov
Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University, Tula, Russia
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