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The article sheds light on the biography of Leningrad classical scholar Konstantin Pavlovich Lampsakov (1914–1941), who made an important contribution to Russian classical studies. The main sources are his file as a student and postgraduate student at Leningrad State University (1937–1941) in the United Archives of St. Petersburg State University, as well as the file on awarding him the academic degree of candidate of historical sciences in the Central State Archive of St. Petersburg (1941). Konstantin Lampsakov participated in the project of the Department of the History of Greece and Rome, headed by S.Ya. Lurye, to translate the main biographies of Plutarch. In particular, he translated and commented on the biographies of Agesilaus and Caesar (the latter together with G.A. Stratanovsky) for the 1941 edition. On June 18, 1941, at a meeting of the Academic Council of the History Faculty of Leningrad State University, he defended his candidate’s dissertation on the topic “Political Struggle in Boeotia in the 4th Century BC (the Period of Theban Hegemony)”, written under the scientific supervision of S.Ya. Lurye. Unfortunately, K.P. Lampsakov died of starvation in besieged Leningrad in December 1941.


Konstantin P. Lampsakov, Leningrad State University, Department of the History of Greece and Rome.

Aleksandr K. Nefedkin

Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

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