The paper discusses the features of religious teachings common in the cities of Palestine in the Late Antiquity. In light of M. Foucault’s concept of heterotopia, the author examines the reasons for this diversity and the demand for these teachings among the urban population. Numerous syncretic teachings, the intellectual climate, economic prosperity, a rhythmic and active way of life in the cities inhabited by ordinary people who had their own weaknesses, shortcomings, temptations and sins, and the diffi cult historical events of the 5th–7th centuries formed a diff erent space of Palestine, not associated with the image of the Holy Land.
Late Antiquity, Palestine, religious teachings, religious diversity, Holy Land, heterotopia.
Zhanna M. Sukhova
Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
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