In 2023, the remains of the Temple of Zeus Genarch were discovered on the southern temenos of the Artezian settlement. According to the dedicatory inscription on the architrave, it was built by Pharnaces (63–51/50 BC). The details of the order have been preserved in good condition due to their secondary use in a 4th-century AD grave and the sacrificial pits around it. All that remains of the temple is its massive foundation; it rests on the foundations of a slightly larger previous temple, built under Mithridates Eupator and destroyed by an earthquake of 63 BC. Perhaps, after Pharnaces’ victory over the Crimean Scythians near Artezian, he built a new temple in honor of Zeus Genarch. Along with the temple, the southern temenos included two altars, western and eastern. The head and fragments of a large white-marble statue of Zeus were also found here. The dedicatory inscription is written on temple architrave, a little but important part of the text is lost, nevertheless its content is understandable. It permits make some conclusions on Pharnaces’ military actions against the Crimean Scythians, also about ancient name of the Artezian settlement.
Bosporan Kingdom, Artesian settlement, Mithridates VI, Pharnaces, dedicatory inscription, Temple of Zeus Genarch, statue of Zeus, altars.
Nikolay I. Vinokurov, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Valeriy P. Yaylenko, Independent Researcher, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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