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The article discusses the first Roman-Carthaginian treaty concluded in 509 BC in the context of the confrontation between Rome, the Greeks and the coalition of the Etruscans and Carthaginians. Polybius cites the text of the Treaty, the original of which he saw in the Treasury of the aediles next to the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, emphasizes the archaic language of the text and the antiquity of the divine oaths that sealed the Treaty on the part of Rome. According to the Treaty, the Romans were not supposed to sail to certain areas, or make purchases in them, except for what was necessary for repairs and sacrifices, as well as provisions. Carthage, for its part, pledged not to interfere in the aff airs of Latium. The Treaty of 509 BC corresponds to the situation that had developed in the Western Mediterranean by that time and allows us to say that Rome had become one of the subjects of international relations that could influence the balance of power in the subsequent struggle for dominance in this region. In this regard, Carthage tried to protect itself from the new acting subject of relations and to defend its interests.


Rome, Carthage, Western Mediterranean, international relations, diplomacy.

Lyudmila M. Shmeleva

Каzan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

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