The article discusses the Euripides’ tragedy “Iphigenia among the Taurians” from the point of using it as a source on the early history of Chersonesus Taurica. The author’s idea is as follows: Euripides took the Archaic Greek legend on the sacrifi ce of Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon, for the Achaean fl eet to be able to move to Troy. Artemis rescued the maiden and carried her to Taurica to live among the local tribe of Tauri. The version used by Euripides was composed by the 5th c. BC in the Attic sanctuary of Artemis in Brauron. But he united it with the mythological tradition which the fi rst founders of Tauric Chersonesus (Heraleians, Delians, Boeotians) borrowed from their mother-city Heraclea Pontica where it was earlier brought from Megara and Boeotia, in order to turn Artemis Parthenos into a legendary founder and ruler of their colony in Taurica. The legend about Iphigenia and Artemis Parthenos in Chersonesus was a kind of background to substantiate a sacral right of founding an apoikia, to strengthen its importance and to creat a local pantheon of gods. The appearance of Iphigenia in Taurica and Artemis’ rescue by turning her into an immortal being Euripides used to outline the main fabula of his tragedy – how a Hellenic woman escaped from the cruel Taurians. For that reason, he made her to be mortal. But the original legend expressed the idea of immortality by a wonderful saving on the edge of oikumene which could be an exellent religious ground for the cult of Maiden – a deity, rescuer and defender of the Chersonites. The cult of Maiden united Artemis and Iphigenia while a wonderful saving of young lady was comprehended from the point of turning her into an immortal goddess with a rescue force. This function made her to be the Highest sacral ruler of Chersonesus as polis state. Iphigenia’s lucky return to Hellas Euripides assosiated with Athena: the idea of saving the statue, which symbolized Artemis’ return from Taurica, appeared in the cult of Artemis Tauropola in Attic shrines of Brauron and Chalae in the late 5th – fi rst half of the 4th c. BC to substantiate the spreading of Artemis’ cult as a Tauric goddess – Tauropola. Euripides expressed this offi cial Athenian version born in her sanctuaries in Brauron and Chalae by linking it with the Heraclean legend to arrange a colony in Chersonesus. Under Tauri and their polis in the south-west Crimea Euripides could imply the Greek city of Chersonesus Taurica. But he didn’t mention it because of his own political position and the “History” of Herodotus, his main source, which kept silence about that as this newly founded colony was still unimportant at that time.
Еuripides, Iphigenia, Аrtemis, Brauron, Аthena, Chersonesus Taurica, Maiden, Heraclea Pontica, epic poets, Herodotus.
Sergey Ju. Saprykin
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
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