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The article summarizes the results of archaeological seasons 2003–2005 at the Pustynny Bereg III settlement (the Crimean Azov region). The bulk of finds from the site (roof tiles, amphorae, thick-walled and kitchen, black-lacquer and ordinary tableware, painted ceramics and graffiti) dated from the 4th – first half of the 3rd century BC. Most of the ceramic stamps (40 pieces) are published for the first time. This collection includes stamps on roof tiles, amphorae from Sinope, Thasos, Heraclea Pontica, Chersonesus, Cos, Ikos, Mende, a stamp from an uncertain center, etc. Analysis of this material indicates that the Pustynny Bereg III settlement arose in the first half of the 4th century BC, its heyday falls on the second half of the 4th – beginning of the 3rd century BC. Around 270 BC the settlement falls into decay and no later than 230 BC it finally ceases to exist. Amphora stamps confirm the economic and administrative connection of the settlement with the local center – the estate complex “Generalskoye-Zapadnoye”. Direct analogies among the finds from there are the stamps from of Sinope, Thasos, Chersonesus and Cos.


Cimmerian Bosporus, Crimean Azov region, Pustynny Bereg III settlement, amphora stamps.

Aleksandr A. Maslennikov

Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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