D.O. Savelyev, T.N. Smekalova (Simferopol), A.V. Borisov (Pushchino) – Stone Artifacts from the Late Bronze Age Settlements of Tumen-3 and Tumen-7 5
V.Yu. Kononov (Kerch) – Metal Neck-Rings of the Kuban Sarmatian-Maeotian Population in the Hellenistic and Roman Times (the 4th Century BC to the 3rd Century AD) 19
A.V. Sazanov (Moscow) – Ilyich 1 Settlement: Methodology of Mass Pottery Material Analysis and Problems of the Chronology of Contexts of the 2nd – 4th Centuries AD 33
V.G. Chernenko, S.M. Ilyashenko (Moscow), L.O. Bazilevich (Vladimir) – Cameo from the Tanais Necropolis 85
I.E. Surikov (Moscow) – Once Again Towards “Disputes about Hellenism” 92
M.S. Apenko (Moscow) – Manetho of Sebennytos and His Role in the Egyptian Priesthood 108
Y.N. Kuzmin (Samara) – Citizens of Poleis, Subjects and Allies of the Kings: Notes on Macedonia under the Antigonids and on Their Empire 124
A.V. Zubareva (Saint Petersburg) – Magic Song: Proto-Musical Intoning Forms in the Ancient Roman Spells and Incantations 145
E.B. Mirzoev (Moscow) – Circumstances and Significance of the Battle of Mesiche (AD 244) 158
I.A. Mirolyubov (Moscow) – Diocletian and Constantine the Great: Intercommunication of Emperors 171
I.V. Denisova (Belgorod) – Salyustius, the Athenian Philosopher and Sophist of the 5th Century 181

Round Table "Athletic and Artistic Agones in Ancient Greece and Rome"

I.P. Rushkin (Cambridge, Massachusetts) – On the Conjecture about Kicking in Ancient Greek Boxing 196
A.D. Panteleev, M.V. Ponikarovskaya (Saint Petersburg) – Greek Games in Asia Minor in the Second and Third Centuries AD 208

In World Museums

S.V. Obukhov (Moscow) – Terracotta Figurine Depicting the Triumph of the Roman Emperor from V.S. Golenishchev’ Collection (Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts) 220

Pages of Historiography

S.A. Tsoya (Riga) – Joel Pesahovich Weinberg (1922–2011): Life and Creative Work 228
Y.A. Vinogradov, E.G. Zastrozhnova, M.V. Medvedeva, M.V. Ponikarovskaya (Saint Petersburg) – Review of the Archival Materials on the Restoration of the History of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture in 1934–1936 258