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The article deals with the nature of the Antigonid empire (from the end of 270s BC through 168 BC) and the status of the «Macedonians» (citizens of the Macedonian poleis and other administrative structures in the Macedonian kingdom proper), citizens of the Thessalian cities that were part of the Antigonid empire, citizens of the Greek poleis, who had in diff erent times the ‘allied’ status (Corinth, Athens, Chalcis, Eretria, Caunus, etc.). In addition, decrees of a number of both the Macedonian poleis and the Greek ones allied to the Antigonids concerning the asylia (sacred inviolability) of several Greek sanctuaries (the Koan Asklepieion, the temple of Artemis Leukophryene in Magnesia-on-Meander, etc.) are also analyzed. These decrees may testify to a perception abroad of these poleis as subjects of interstate relations in the religious and cultural spheres. Some more particular topics are concerned as well.


Macedonia, the Antigonid empire, Thessaly, Corinth, Athens, Euboea, Caria, citizens, subjects, asylia.

Yuri N. Kuzmin

Samara branch of Moscow City University, Samara, Russia

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