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The paper is devoted to the life and work of a little-known philosopher and sophist of the second half of the 5th century, Salustius, a representative of the Athenian philosophical school. Based on a comprehensive analysis of sources, the author reconstructs his biography, social ties, and establishes a connection with the Alexandrian and Athenian Neoplatonic schools. His views, teaching methods, circle of colleagues and students are also analyzed. The article puts forward a hypothesis about the belonging of the treatise “On the Gods and the World” to Salustius, rethinking the opinion established in historiography that this treatise belongs to the dignitary of the 4th century, colleague of Emperor Julian the Apostate, Salurninus Sallustius Secundus. The article touches upon the activities of the philosopher Salustius at the court of the usurper in the second half of the 5th century Marcellinus of Illyria, in the context of which the program of restoration of paganism in the Roman Empire during this period is considered.


Salustius, late Antique intellectuals, Athens, philosophers, sophists, orators, paganism, Christianization, neoplatonism.

Irina V. Denisova

Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

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