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The article is devoted to the life and work of a prominent scientist, orientalist and biblical scholar Joel Pesakhovich Weinberg (1922–2011). He was born in Riga in a Jewish family, received an excellent education at primary schools and the Jewish gymnasium of the capital of Latvia in the 1930s. The Second World War was a hard roller for his fate: he was in the ghetto, then he was a prisoner of a concentration camp in Latvia, and at the end of the war – of Buchenwald in Germany, also he lost his father and mother. After the war, J. Weinberg graduated from the Faculty of History of the Latvian State University, in 1954 he defended his PhD, and in 1973 his doctoral dissertation. In 1962–1993 he taught at Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute. In 1993, the scientist immigrated to Israel and spent the last years of his life in Jerusalem. He became famous thanks to numerous scientifi c papers published in diff erent languages and in diff erent countries, left a good memory for many former students as an excellent lecturer and an excellent teacher. J. Weinberg was an intellectual and connoisseur of the Old Testament, the history and culture of the Jews, the Ancient Middle East and the ancient world. Weinberg’s phenomenon is unique for Latvia, he played a signifi cant role in the oriental studies of the USSR, Russia and Israel and became a world-famous scientist.


Joel Weinberg, the history of the Jews, biblical studies, Old Testament, Near East, ancient, Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute.

Sergey A. Tsoya

Independent Resecher, Riga, Latvia

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