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The article is devoted to the methodology of analysis of mass archaeological material and determining the chronology of layers and contexts of the 2nd – 4th centuries AD from the Ilyich 1 settlement on the basis of materials of 2016 excavation at the Site I. The proposed methodology consists of two main blocks. The fi rst one characterizes a ceramic context as such, including statistics on categories of fi nds (ceramics, metal, glass and bone items), functional groups (building materials, architectural ceramics, pithoi, amphorae, red slip wares, polished ware, plain dining and kitchen wares), comparison of statistics of plain and handmade wares that has special importance for Bosporus. The second block, connected with the chronology of fi nds, includes the distribution of dated fi nds into chronological groups, separation of the dating group and its subsequent analysis. The stratigraphic column obtained this way includes layers and sites of the second half of the 2nd to the fi rst half of the 3rd century AD (layer III.2), middle/ second half of the 2rd century AD (layer III.3), early to the third quarter of the 4th century (layer II.1), middle/second half of the 4th and early 5th century (layer II.2). A detailed analysis of ceramic contexts from each period is off ered. An attempt to synchronize selected complexes with the known coin hoards of the 3rd and 4th centuries AD creates a tempting opportunity to specify chronology of considered layers. In this case, the contexts of layer III.2 can be dated to the AD 240s, layer III.3 – to the AD 270s, layer II.1– to the second quarter of the 4th century and layer II.2 –to the third quarter of the 4th/early 5th century AD.


Northern Black Sea, Ilyich 1 Settlement, Late Roman and Early Byzantine pottery, amphorae, chronology, stratigraphy, methodology of field studies.

Andrei V. Sazanov

Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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