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The article, based on the information, obtained from literary tradition, epigraphy and archeology, examines Greek athletic and artistic competitions in the era of the Roman Empire (1st – 3rd centuries AD). Games in the Hellenistic and Roman periods demonstrate both continuity with the preceding time and innovations. The Olympic, Isthmian, Nemean and Delphic Games retained their important role, and in addition, the old local agones, previously intended only for residents of a certain city or region, were reformed and some new ones were established. They formed a unified system of competitions with diff erent level of prestige: the highest category was formed by pan-Hellenic “sacred games with wreaths”, the so-called “games with prizes” were considered less signifi cant. Since the Hellenistic era, professional associations of the “Technitai of Dionysus” (actors, musicians, poets and everyone connected with the world of theater) and the “Athletes devoted to Heracles” (sportsmen) were very important in holding these festivals. Greek festivals were a central element in the life of cities-states and in relations among diff erent poleis. With the help of the games, the Hellenic identity was maintained and preserved. The games demonstrated the power and wealth of local aristocrats, who often acted as organizers of these competitions. The infl uence of the agones was felt in all spheres of life of a polis: in its politics, architecture, commemorative inscriptions and statues, in the general rhythm of life. These games were associated with the imperial cult, thus proving the loyalty of the local population to Rome. The article deals with both the Greek Olympic and local Games, primarily Demostheneia, established at the request of C. Iulius Demosthenes, prytanis and secretary of the city council of Lycian Oenoanda in 124 AD (SEG XXVIII, 1462).


Roman Empire, Hellenism, spectacles, games, agones, Asia Minor, cult of the emperor, athletes, actors.

Aleksey D. Panteleev, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Marina V. Ponikarovskaya, Saint Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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