
Contributors are invited to submit articles in printed (1 copies) and electronic forms (texts in .doc format, images in .tiff or .jpg formats with a resolution of 300 dpi). Greek texts should be encoded in Unicode. Please do not post articles by registered mail.

The article size must not exceed 80,000 characters (40,000 characters for book reviews).

Each article must be accompanied by: a short summary (one paragraph); a keyword list (max. 10 words); the postal and electronic addresses of the author(s) which will be communicated in the article.

All references must be given in continuously numbered footnotes as follows: Author and publication year without comma, page number, note number (n., Anm., etc.), figure number (fig., Abb., etc.), or table number (pl., Taf., etc.).

Example: Иванов 1972а, 536, рис. 2; 1972б, 56–59; Salvatori 1995, 67–68, fig. 13, pl. 26.

Bibliography is given in the end in alphabetic order as follows:


Pravda 21.05.1933


Галанина Л.К. 1997: Келермесские курганы (Степные народы Евразии, 1). М.

Alexander C. 1928: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Jewelry. The Art of the Goldsmith in Classical Times. L.; N.Y.

Journal articles (pages compulsory):

Ростовцев М.И. 1917: Надпись на золотом сосуде из с. Мигулинской // ИАК. 63, 106–108.

Salvatori S. 2000: Bactria and Margiana seals: a new assessment of their chronological position and a typological survey //East and West. 50, 97–145.

Articles/chapters in books and collected volumes (names of editors and pages compulsory):

Грантовский Э.А. 1981: О некоторых материалах по общественному строю скифов. «Родственники» и «друзья» // Кавказ и Средняя Азия в древности и средневековье / Б.А. Литвинский (ред.). М., 59–79.

Salvatori S. 1998: Margiana archaeological map: the Bronze age settlement pattern // The Archaeological Map of the Murghab Delta. Preliminary Reports 1990–95 / A. Gubaev, G. Koshelenko & M. Tosi (eds.). Rome, 57–65.


Each article must be accompanied with the list of abbreviations in alphabetic order:

АО – Археологические открытия. М.

IGBR – Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae / Ed. G. Mihailov. Sofia, 1956–

Articles that do not respect the guidelines will be rejected. The decision to publish or not is taken by the Editorial Board on the basis of reviewers’ opinions and communicated to authors. Manuscripts are not returned to authors.

Contributors of review articles should contact the editorial office for the author’s fee.