The article is devoted to the Novoromanovskaya pisanitsa composition with a unique image of a pike. The panel with this image is located on a separate boulder at the water’s edge. It is constantly exposed to natural destructive processes. Now it is possible to attribute four images: two moose, a heart-shaped face and a pike. According to their location on the panel, it can be assumed that the composition originally had a circular character. The pike pattern is positioned vertically in relation to the moose fi gures. The article deals with the specifi cs of the artistic transmission of this image and its intended semantic meanings. The ancient artist emphasized the features of the upper and lower jaws and the striped color of the body, inherent in this river predator. The reconstruction of the semantics of the pike image and the whole plot was carried out using the data of the subarctic worldview complex. It’s mainly the Ugro-Samoyed mythology. The pike is often associated with the Lower World. She acts as the mistress of reservoirs, as the Spirit of water, as a totemic ancestor-progenitor or psychopomp. The plot of the Novoromanovо composition is particularly close to the Selkup narratives. It tells about the rebirth of an old elk/ moose into a mythical pike that lives in taiga reservoirs for hundreds of years. The chronological range of the Novoromanovo composition with elk and pike is determined by the authors of the article within the Bronze Age. The assumption about the plot-semantic proximity of the Novoromanovo pike to the images associated with the Krokhalevsky antiquities is argued. Moreover, in the materials of the location of the Dolgaya I Site located above the Novoromanovskaya Pisanitsa, the Krokhalevsky complex is presented. The article presents stylistic comparisons of some details of the Novoromanovo petroglyphs with images of the Seimin-Turbin era.
Novoromanovskaya pisanitsa, a pike, a moose, mythology, Bronze age, Krokhalevskaya culture, Dolgaya I.
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