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The article analyzes the A.S. Uvarov’ version of the origin and history of the Crimean Karaites. It is stated in the fourth chapter of the third unpublished issue of “Studies on the Antiquities of Southern Russia and the Black Sea Coast” (Archive of the State Historical Museum). The source for this story was the personal communication of A.S. Uvarov with S.A. Beim and A.S. Firkovich, whose views were largely accepted by the young researcher. However, A.S. Uvarov was an opponent of the “Khazar” theory of origin of the Karaites, formulated by V.V. Grigoriev a few years before Uvarov’s visiting Chufut-Kale in 1848. A.S. Uvarov considered that the dominant in the ethnogeny of the Crimean Karaites is the Jewish element: in his opinion, overall, the Karaites are the Jews of the Karaite sect, but they were close to the Khazars. Thanks to the efforts of the legendary Yitzhak Sangari, the Karaites turned the Khazar Khagan into Judaism, and, to a certain extent, merged with the Khazars. After the transition to the 9th century the Khazar to Christianity (this happened because of visiting Khazaria by St. Cyril (Constantine) and Methodius), they were divided with the Karaites. Historical views of A.S. Uvarov on the Khazars based on the works of I. Evers and Western European translations of medieval Arab authors. It suffered a number of anachronisms that was characteristic even for the mid-19th century. For example, Uvarov believed the capital of Khazaria was in Arabia. In doing so, it is evident profound acquaintance with works of Byzantine historians: Patriarch Nikephoros and Constantine Porphyrogennetos.


A.S. Uvarov, A.S. Firkovich, Crimea, Karaites, Judaism, Khazars

Yuri M. Mogarichev

Crimean Republican Institute for Post-Gradual Pedagogical Education; Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea RAS, Simferopol, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dmitry A. Prokhorov

Crimean Federal V.V. Vernadsky University, Simferopol, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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