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Tyche is a goddess of fate, good luck, whose cult was popular in the Hellenistic and the Roman periods. There were her hypostases, personifying the “happiness” of a ruler. The article is devoted to the personifi cation of the “happiness“ of king Seleucus II, mentioned in the oath of the Magnesian katoikoi (OGIS 229. II). The article analyzed the available evidence of the existence of the royal Tyche in the Hellenistic world to clarify the image of the deity in the ideology of the Seleucid dynasty. The author suggests that the role of the royal “happiness“ in the ideology of the Seleucids was insignifi cant. It is concluded that the “happiness of king Seleucus” should be seen not as a “personal genius”, but as a royal deity, having a close connection with the ruler. The emergence of the Seleucid Tyсhe can be seen as the development of the oath ritual in the Hellenistic period and a manifestation of interest to the goddess not only on the part of the monarchy, but also of its subjects.


Tyche, Seleucus II, oath, katoikoi, Seleucid.

Ivan Yu. Vorobyov

P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia

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