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In the paper Russian pre-revolutionary (before 1917) historiography of Hasmonean state (167–63 BC) is considered. Author distinguishes four categories (groups) of such works: 1) “theological” group, 2) works by researches connected neither with theology, nor with Judaic studies, 3) studies made by scientists who were a part of Jewish tradition, 4) group of researches made by foreign scientist of ancient Jews, whose works were translated into Russian. The fi rst group has been the focus of attention by author, marked as “theological” as it includes researchers with theological education, were working in Orthodox Theological Seminaries and were studying Jewish history through the theology (S.A. Ternovsky, I.G. Troitsky, I.Ya. Bogoyavlensky and others). The key feature of this group is uncritical comprehension of the historical sources by authors (fi rst and foremost the Old Testament and the New Testament), lack of clear boundaries between epochs in description of history of the ancient Jews. Last but not least their major interest lay in the history of Sanhedrin and popular assembly but not in the political history of the Hasmonean State. Author concludes that researchers of the “theological” group sporadically appealed to the history of the Hasmonean State and use it as a background to the other historical events. The reasons of this are: 1) These scholars in their studies relied on the Old Testament and the New Testament where the Hasmoneans are not presented; 2) They seen the Hasmoneans as “unclassical Jews” due to their Hellenistic context; 3) They conceived the Hasmonean period as a period of one of the dependance of the Jewish people (Greek and then Roman). It is for these reasons that the history of the Hasmoeans was not as important for them so that became a part of special study.


Hasmonean State, Historiography, Hellenism, Judaica Studies, Josephus Flavius, Palestine, Judea, Maccabees.

Mikhail N. Karanaev

Moscow, Russia

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