The article author focuses on the history of the study of the settlements of the Golden Horde in the central part of the Saratov Volga region. There are three stages in the history of the study of settlements: the fi rst one, from the end of the 19th century until the 1930s; the second one, from the 1940s until 1980s; the third one, from the beginning of the 1990s to the present day, is associated with large-scale exploration and excavation of several settlements. In the fi rst period, there is interest in the study of the Golden Horde antiquities of the Lower Volga region, the members of the Saratov Scientifi c Archival Commission for the fi rst time carried out surveys of the Golden Horde settlements. The fi rst systematic exploration in the Saratov Volga region is associated with the name of P.S. Rykov, in the 1920s the fi rst attempts of generalizing works on the monuments of the Lower Volga region appeared, including some descriptions of some of the Golden Horde settlements. The second period is characterized by the intensifi cation of archaeological research, several Golden Horde settlements were discovered, some of them were excavated, archaeologists carried out surveys of monuments and collection of found material. The largest scale of research of the Golden Horde settlements, including excavations, has reached in the last 30 years. During this time, a signifi cant amount of material has been accumulated that characterizes the material culture of the Golden Horde settlements. Several unknown Golden Horde settlements were discovered, archaeologists examined monuments, collected found material, and some settlements were excavated. Analysis of the available references revealed a lack of special large publications devoted to settlements. The article presents brief results of the work of the archaeological expedition of Kazan University under the leadership of L.F. Nedashkovsky, who conducted research on exploration and excavation of settlements in the vicinity of the Golden Horde city of Ukek. To date, most of the materials from the excavations of fi ve settlements have been published: Hmelevka I, Shiroky Buerak, Bagaevka, Kolotov Buerak, Konstantinovskoe.
Archaeology, settlements, Golden Horde, Lower Volga region, Saratov Volga region, exploration, excavations, monuments, cultural layer, fi nds of the Golden Horde time, Jochid coins.
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