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In the burials of the nomads of Asian Sarmatia there were found six intact or fragmented 1st century AD bronze pateras of types Eggers 154–155, one separate handle, one separate foot, as well as one patera medallion in secondary use. They are discussed in detail in this article with the involvement of also rare fi nds of Roman bronze pateras from the Dnieper region, South-Western Crimea, the territory of the Bosporan kingdom and the Kuban/Transkuban areas. Noteworthy are the rare examples of the transitional type from Eggers 154 (Hagenow) to Eggers 155 (Millingen). Many pateras have lost their handles or some of their feet. The patches fixed with rivets have been preserved on the pateras from the Lower Don and South Urals.

If bronze amphorae, basins, ladles, casserolles and hammered jugs in the burials of the nomads of Asian Sarmatia were found more or less frequently in the same burials, then bronze pateras fall out of the typical raster of mutual occurrence. The small number of fi nds does not provide grounds for their correlation with male or female burials – they are known in both. In Sarmatia there is no connection between the fi nds of pateras and oinochoai, which not only in the Roman Empire and the European Barbaricum, but also in the necropoleis of the South-Western Crimea and the Bosporan Kingdom were found in the same complexes as part of one set.

In general, it is obvious that pateras belong to a relatively rare category of imported Roman bronze vessels in Asian Sarmatia (comparable in number to amphorae) and began to be distributed here already in the fi rst half of the 1st century AD. These vessels were valued, among other things, because in a number of cases they are represented by luxurious specimens inlaid with silver and decorated with fi gural medallions. They were repaired, and the medallions of such pateras were reused. If the fi nds of the earlier pateras of the Eggers 154 type are concentrated in the Lower Don region, then the later pateras of the Eggers 155 type were spread in the Lower Volga region and even in South Urals. At the same time, there are no reliable fi nds that could be unequivocally attributed to the Eggers 154 pateras in the cities of the North Pontic area – on the contrary, Eggers 155 pateras became widespread here.


Roman bronze vessels, pateras, Roman imports, Roman Empire, North Pontic area, Asian Sarmatia.

Mikhail Yu. Treister

Bonn, Germany

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