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This is an essay on some episodes of the Nagaybaks ethnic history. Despite the late appearance of this group and the detailed description of the ethnic substratum, the question of the origin of the ethnonym ‘Nagaybak’ and the ethnic relations of the Nagaybaks with the Nogays continues to arouse interest. On the problem of the origin of Nagaybaks, two points of view are considered – Tatars and Nogays. The sources of both versions are the literary data of the 18th and 19th centuries. The hypothetical possibility of Nogay traces in the origin of the Nagaybaks can be viewed indirectly through the service Tatars of the Kazan Khanate era, whose basis was the natives of the Nogay Horde. Their descendants, resettled in the 17th century on the New Zakamskaya line, could become part of the substrate of the future Nagaybaks. More transparent is the history of the genesis of the ethnonym “nagaybak”, proposed according to the version of P.I. Rychkov, which he heard from the Western Bashkirs. And here the connection with the Nogays is seen as not direct, but indirect.


Ethnic history, Nogays, Nagaybaks, Tatars, Nogay Horde, Kazan Khanate, Orenburg province.

Irek R. Atnagulov

Institute of History and Archaeology of the Ural Branch RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia

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