In the Sarmatian burials of Eastern Europe, six intact or fragmented bronze amphorae and one separate handle were found, which belong to types A3212 and A3220, according to the classifi cation by S. Tassinari.
In the territory of Western Europe, the amphorae we are discussing, besides Italy were relatively widespread in the east and south of Gaul and on the Lower Rhine. In the territory of Eastern Europe, the fi nds are concentrated in two regions: Thrace and Asian Sarmatia, and one amphora was found in the Trans-Caucasus. The overwhelming majority of amphorae from Pompeii were small in size with the height in the range of 17–33 cm, within which two peaks with values of 19–23 cm and 25–27 cm, stand out. Amphorae higher than 33 cm in Pompeii are extremely rare. Finds from the Moselle and Lower Rhine regions show a distribution very similar to that from Pompeii. The percentage of large amphorae is higher among the fi nds from France and Switzerland, but here, too, amphorae with a height from 17.4 to 24.7 cm prevail. The sizes comparable with the fi nds from Sarmatian burials (mainly in the range from 40 to 44 cm) have only 4 (from 60) fi nds from Pompeii. Therefore, it can be argued that such large amphorae were not typical of either Pompeii or Western and Central Europe. On the contrary, they predominate in Thrace, although a small number of “small amphorae” have been found here.
Attention is drawn to a rather signifi cant number of bronze amphorae found in the burials of the nomads of Asian Sarmatia, more than half of which originate from the so-called “princely” Sarmatian burials in the Lower Don region of the second half of the 1st – early 2nd century AD and a clear correlation of the fi nds with the remains of the funeral feasts associated with central female burials in the mounds. Only in Thrace a larger number of bronze amphorae was found (also in relation to the total number of the Roman bronze vessels). In the Bosporan Kingdom, as well as in the cemeteries of the South-Western Crimea of the fi rst centuries AD. no bronze amphorae were found. They were also not found in the burials of the nomads to the west of the Don. It is obvious that the distribution of amphorae in Asian Sarmatia differs from other categories of imported bronzeware, including those of the same period, for example, casseroles or basins.
The penetration of a relatively large number of amphorae to the nomads gives reason to assume that, obviously, such vessels were in some demand among the latter. This partly explains the acquisition of the largest amphorae by the Sarmatians. One gets the impression that it was not by chance that large amphorae, which were probably not in demand either in Italy or in the provinces, although they were occasionally found there, were brought to Thrace and Sarmatia. If this is so (and I cannot fi nd another explanation), then such large vessels could have been specially made with a view to the Thracian and Sarmatian aristocracy.
Of course, this was not the only way of penetration of large bronze amphorae to the Sarmatians.
If we consider the Latin inscription on the neck of the amphora from the Valovy-I necropolis, as the owner’s inscription, and there is every reason for this, then the question arises as to how a large bronze vessel, dating, most likely, within the mid–third quarter of the 1st century AD and belonging to Cornelia Quartilla, probably a Roman citizen, found its way in the burial of a young nomadic woman in a Sarmatian Burial-mound near Tanais, dating to the fi rst half – mid-2nd century AD? I suppose that Cornelia Quartilla herself, along with her amphora, could have ended up in the Bosporus as the wife of one of the senior Roman offi cers. It is well known that wives accompanied their husbands not only to live with them in the forts, but also during military expeditions – the restrictions on accompanying their husbands for senior offi cers were lifted in 21 AD. According to the Roman law, getting married, a woman did not lose the right of ownership to her inherited or acquired items. In this case, taking into account the dating of the amphora, its way to the nomads could take place only during the stay of the troops of Didius Gallus in the Cimmerian Bosporus during the Bosporan-Roman war, and the amphora itself could, for example, were given to the Aorsi led by the King Eunon, during the embassy, which was sent to him by Gaius Julius Aquila and Cotys (Tac. Ann. XII, 15.2). In the course of these events, as we assumed on the basis of the data available to us, bronze casseroles of the Eggers 131, 136, 137 and 140 types also fell to the nomads.
Roman bronzeware, amphorae, standards of size, Roman imports, Roman Empire, Pompeii, Lower Rhine, Germania Magna, Thrace, North Pontic area, Asian Sarmatia, Bosporan-Roman war.
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