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The article is devoted to the analysis of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images on vessels of the Early Iron Age and the Middle Ages in the forest zone of the Angara-Yenisei basin. A description of the available materials, their typology and chronology are given. In the course of the study, it was established that planar anthropomorphic images with a lozengeshaped head and lozenge-shaped faces are found on ceramics of the Early Iron Age. They are always located in the upper third of the vessels and are woven into the structure of the ornamental composition. Similar images are found throughout the entire area of the Tsepan cultural and historical community of the Tagar time, and in the valley of the Middle Yenisei, they are also known later - in complexes synchronous with Tes’ materials. In the Tashtyk era, in the southern taiga of the Angara-Yenisei basin, full-size anthropomorphic fi gures appear on the vessels, in which the lozenge-shaped contours of the head of the previous time are preserved. But the iconography of the plot, the manner of its application and the place of placement are fundamentally different from the previous time. On the medieval ceramics of the Lower Angara region, stylized masks from two or three pits are found. More realistic bas-relief images are also known. The extreme abstraction of medieval images does not allow us to unambiguously determine which anthropo- or zoomorphic features are prevalent in them. In contrast to the ceramics of the early Iron Age, on medieval utensils, masks are superimposed on the overall ornamental composition. They were applied by the potter last, after the vessel was covered with the main ornament. Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images on vessels of the southern taiga subzone of the Angara-Yenisei basin allow us to clarify the age and, in part, the cultural identity of some types of petroglyphs in the region.


Central Siberia, Lower Angara, Middle Yenisei, ceramics, images, dating, petroglyphs.

Polina O. Senotrusova, Pavel V. Mandryka, Kseniya V. Biryuleva

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

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