The article is publication of amphora stamps and coins discovered during excavations at the settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoe) in 2008–2013. Uncovered ceramic stamps belong to Sinope, Chersoneses Tauric, and Rhodes, the coins arrived from the Bosporus and Chersoneses. Some of them were found in situ, other in disturbed layers, among casual fi nds or plundering dumps. Nevertheless, it is possible to correlate them with the periods of functioning and chronology of the settlement.
On the investigated areas of the site, four construction periods (ABCD) were traced: two ancient and two Late Scythian. The fi rst period is associated with the time of functioning of the Greek fortifi ed estate at the Chersonesos chora in the last quarter of the 4th c. to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. In the second period, after a break, the population reappears in the settlement. This takes place in the last quarter of the 3rd century BC. This is the period of recolonization, during which restructuring of the settlement is carried out. At the end of the fi rst quarter of the 2nd century BC life in the settlement ceased. The next two periods belong to the Late Scythian Culture. However, layers and building remains of the late 2nd century BC – 1st century AD disturbed by plowing and predatory pits. The upper horizon of the settlement contains material from the 1st to 3rd centuries AD. Stamps and coins along with other archaeological material are important chronological indicators of the archaeological site in the system of the chora of Chersonesos and in the whole of Western Crimea.
Chora of Chersonese Tauric, Late Scythian Culture, stamps, coins.
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