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The paper examines a little-studied topic in the Byzantine philology. It deals with some features in the use of the dative case in Late Byzantine canonical question-and-answers (ἐρωταποκρίσεις). The reason why we will focus on the grammatical category is its gradual decrease in the Greek during the Byzantine period according to commonly accepted view. In the investigation stylometric methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis are used. Its results make it possible to retrace frequency of use of the dative in the texts and its functional fi eld. Basing upon the analysis the author comes to conclusion that the dative is rather alive and productive element of the language of these texts. Further investigation of its use in the texts can turn to advantage for understanding of its fate and is very important for making up a comprehensive Byzantine grammatical manual.


Dative case in Byzantine Greek, morphology of the Late Byzantine Greek, canonical question-and-answers, stylometric methods of quantitative analysis

Αnton V. Anashkin

St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Moscow, Russia

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