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The article is an attempt to compare the two pragmatic language units – a slogan and advertising. Functionally, they are different: the slogan is functionally focused on ideology and advertising pursues net commercial interests. But they are united by more general function – function of an appeal, the impact on the consciousness and determinacy of the behaviour of those to whom they are intended. Using specifi c examples the author demonstrates general and various functional properties of the slogan and advertising and concludes that in modern political discourse there is a tendency to bring them closer. Both language of modern advertising, and language of the modern slogan are a specular refl ection of all main features of our speech system. They are united by the aspiration to originality, due to the desire to “lure” a potential user of advertising or the object of ideological infl uence in their networks. Hence – the increased creativity of advertising texts and slogans and extensive use of verbal game, appealing to the semantic duality, a sharp dissonance of stylistic registers. Stylistic decline in advertising at the same time to some extent is contradicted to the programmed pathetism of slogans. But this contradiction is neutralized by a tendency to overthrow of the ideologems by such genre as anti-proverbs. Consequently, there is uptrend expressiveness due to the stylistic decline in some way, and for both the slogan and advertising.

Researching the structural and semantic types of slogans, the author proceeds from the classifi cation of slogans on –slogans-appeals, slogans-wishes, stating slogans and slogans-pathetisms and proves its applicability to the qualifi cation of advertising language units.


Slogan, advertising, pragmatic function of language, slogans-appeals, sloganswishes, stating slogans, slogans-pathetisms, word game, idioms, proverbs, anti-proverbs

Valery М. Mokiyenko. Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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