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Posters play a special role in modern publicistic discourse. They appeared in communicative space of Western Europe in the second part of the 20th century and got some features of their predecessors – playbills and bookseller advertisements in which the word part was reduced in favor of visual means. The invention of an illustrated poster led to the appearance of the extra message level and the dominant semantic level tended to fall by the wayside. At the same time, word poster became more popular and replaced word playbill. A poster always appeals to a wide audience that determines the nature of its means of expression: 1) combining the concepts of “simple”, “clear”, “expressive”; 2) display the brightest point of the image (symbol); 3) brevity, readability of the font, all-day-inscriptions; 4) the interconnectedness and interdependence of an image and a text. Thereby political posters have a number of specifi c characteristics: political information posters and leafl ets are incorporated into the overall “text” of the public space, being publicly available. In addition, the political poster is communication through visual images and words. The structure of the poster integrates different sign systems: in addition to verbal in most cases visual aids are used. Language poster images can «work» as a reducing mechanism, translating political information on the level of ordinary understanding of the masses. Having a propaganda function, a poster can be a part of theatricalization that is typical for modern world politics.


Poster, politics, propaganda, advertisement, communicative space, symbol, allegory, addressant, recipient, graphic arts

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