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The article considers the characteristic features of the modern Russian offi cial, as refl ected in the slogans that were demonstrated during various social actions; as well as appeals to the public, formulated by the offi cials or candidates for various posts. Source of research is based on various Internet resources.

The carried-out analysis has shown that authors of the majority of slogans about offi cials urge to fi ght against a disproportion of the income of bureaucrats and other social groups, to eradicate corruption and bribery, to awaken conscience in offi cials. At the same time comparison of the researched slogans to the Russian proverbs, winged units, associative reactions connected with the Russian offi cial both the past, and the present suggests an idea of extremely small probability of change something in this sphere.

Interesting material to recreate the image of offi cials in the Russian language picture of the world gives a comparison of the slogans against the offi cials and their activities (or inactivity) and the slogans of the offi cials themselves. According to offi cials, their income is not too high, in contrast to professional duties. The authors of the slogans against the offi cials disagree. Appeals candidates for various posts, usually abstract, but voters want solutions to specifi c problems, which, unfortunately, most of them from the category of eternal.

Analyzed slogans, which the authors oppose the existing situation, constitute a public assessment of the activities of the offi cials and the offi cials themselves and can be used to recreate the corresponding fragment of the language picture of the world media, the modern Russian language.


Slogan, the official language picture of the world, the confrontation between public and officials

Svetlana A. Anokhina. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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