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The article is devoted to the principles of the knowledge organization in language through the appeal to the idea «concept» as a unit of mental information. The relevance of this study is determined by theoretical and practical problems of modern linguistic. Its primary focus is on the linguistic identity, language and culture issues of interaction, linguistic worldimage which is encoded in language in general and paremiological vocabulary in particular. The results of refl ective, mental, human activity are fixated and realized in language. Proverbs and sayings are the most striking instance, which represent the specialty of thinking, knowledge and world`s perception of nation-mother-tongue speaker of the specifi c language, its cultural values. The concept «money» is characterized on the basis of the integration of cognitive and linguo-culturological approaches by the research of proverbial vocabulary. The corpus of lexical items is also represented in the discerned concept. The concept «money» verbalized by the paremiological units in Russian and English languages can be considered as a special type (model) of the paremiological concepts. Universal and specific traits of the concept «money», its similarity and differences connected with the relation to money by the representatives of Russian and English linguocultures are revealed. Frames are cost-effective way of the informationtrans mission speeding up its processing as they contain not only explicit but implicit, supposed knowledge. Special attention is paid to the method of paremiological frame classifi cation. With its help it is possible to emphasize «meaning» of proverb. The frame model of proverb`s description, which allows to present the specifi city of Russian and English language mentalities in a more thrifty way, is being proposed. Names of the pointed out frames refl ect extensional representation of the paremiological units in the investigated concept. It is specifi cally intended to a wide range of researchers, examining the problems of paremiology, cognitive semasiology, linguoculture.


Concept, quantum of knowledge, paremiological concept, money, paremiological units, mental representation, national culture specifi city, frame, frame classifi cation

Тatyana Yu. Zalavina, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Оksana N. Afanasjeva, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, ksjusha.afanacjevа

Lydmila A. Shorokhova, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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