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The article discusses the dialogic and intertextual problem of literature: the main attention is focused on the comparative analysis of the two Russian iconic poems – “Cicero” (1830) by F. Tyutchev and “Anthony” (1905) by Bryusov.

Tyutchev’s attitude of the decisive events and the dramatic “civil wars” during the fall of the Roman Republic was in tune with Russian poets’ feelings of the beginning of the 20th century, who foresaw and felt keenly the horror and majesty of the coming changes. The concept of “rock bliss” was especially popular: according Tyutchev a mortal can experience such bliss only at the moment of the tremendous history events like a “spectator” of “high dramas”.

The author of the article argues that Bryusov’s poem “Antony” has quite certain poetic connections with Tyutchev’s “Cicero”: the key formula of the poems, “Blessed are those who ...”, which displays the texts on the philosophical level is among them. Bryusov enters into a dialogue with the classic poet and writes his own version of “rock bliss”: he highlights the Love as the only worthy object of fatal victim.


Cicero, Tyutchev, Marc Anthony, Bryusov, dialogism, intertextuality, conceptions of “fatal” bliss

T.Ye. Abramzon, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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