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This paper discusses one group of peculiar anthropomorphic characters found on the rocks and slabs of the mounds of the Minusinsk Basin. These fi gures have intentionally accentuated hands, often of exaggerated sizes. Similar images are frequent from the Bronze Age to the ethnographic time. In general, the images of hands with fi ngers are universal and can be found in the art of many nations. To date, the repertoire of the rock art of the area allowed identifying several scenes with anthropomorphic characters having an intentionally accentuated open hand. Among them is a scene with a character, shown with a raised hand all fi ngers of which are clearly depicted, next to the animal or in the pose of copulation with it (the so-called “sacred marriage”); a plot with the character identifi ed with the thunder god, whose hands have are many times greater than the natural, etc. In the rock art of the Minusinsk Basin, the authors have distinguished two more scenes with fi ve-fi ngered characters from the Tesin and ethnographic time. The fi rst is associated with the idea of a “transition” to another world; and in addition to the large fi ve-fi ngered fi gures, there are smaller anthropomorphs, as well as an image of a mirror with the handle. The other scene of ethnographic time depicts the horseman, a “cultural hero”, who on his way encounters, fi rst, a group of fi ve-fi ngered “round-bellied” characters (depicted on one plane – one episode), and later (the following episode on the next plane) – a two-headed monster, that apart from the long fi ve-fi ngered hands also has zoo- and anthropomorphic features, both male and female. Such scenes were popular in the epic of the peoples of Southern Siberia, their roots in ancient times.


Petroglyphs, Minusinsk Basin, scenes with fi ve-fi ngered characters, semantics.

Olga S. Sovetova, Olga O. Shishkina

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia

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