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The article discusses the circumstances of the «Joint scientific session of the Department of History and Philology and the Crimean Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR on the history of Crimea» in Simferopol, May 23–25, 1952. It took place during the struggle against the «teachings of N.Y. Marr», which is unfolded in the humanities throughout the country. The main criticism was the position of P.N. Schultz, Head of the Historical and Archaeological Department, which was refl ected in the popular-science book by P.N. Nadinsky about the history of the Crimea. They adhered to the autochthonous version of the origin of the culture of the Crimean Slavs directly from the Scythian. Their opponents saw this as a manifestation of «Marrism». The criticism was supported by the Crimean archaeologists E.V. Veymarn and S.F. Strzheletsky, who are considered the Crimean Slavs as migrants of the 3rd c. AD. The party leadership of the region and the Academy of Sciences USSR decided to convene a special session with the participation of both Crimean scientists and leading historians and archaeologists of the country. The main goal was to find compromise approaches to solving issues of ethnic history and sociocultural development of the peninsula in antiquity and the Middle Ages. The speakers, who spoke at the session, pointed out the previous mistakes that were made in the presentation of the history of the Crimea. P.N. Nadinsky and P.N. Schultz admitted that they were wrong. When solving the «Slavic issue», the migration version of their appearance in the region prevailed. The «Gothic issue» was touched upon, as well as other topical issues of Crimean history and archaeology. The session greatly contributed to the resolution of the situation in the Crimean archaeological science. It adopted a number of policy decisions on the coverage of historical processes in ancient and medieval Crimea. They laid the foundation for further research directions and infl uenced the development of Crimean science actually before the collapse of the USSR. The article is based on previously unpublished documents from the scientific archive of the Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Crimea, archaeology, 1952 Session, «Slavic issue», «Gothic issue», P.N. Schultz, P.N. Nadinsky, B.A. Rybakov.

Vladislav Yu. Yurochkin

Institute of Archaeology of Crimea, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Simferopol, Russia

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