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For the first time in the history of Baltic archaeology, the article discusses the problem of the formation of the center of the Prussian tribal area and coastal landmarks by the ancient and medieval population of the Sambia Peninsula. On the western coast of the peninsula, these were medieval settlements. On the northern coast, single barrows could have served as the basis for the “beacons” of the New Age. These mounds, built in the immediate vicinity of the coastal cliff at the northwestern region of the Sambia Peninsula, do not have a reliable dating. Only the Otradnoye-1 Barrow, judging by the ceramic finds, can be attributed to the Early Iron Age. The proximity of the parameters of single burial mounds allows us to assume with some caution their cultural and chronological proximity. They could have been burial structures or created as cenotaphs. In this case, their use (in the New Age or earlier) as a basis for coastal signs or coastal landmarks is secondary. In any case, this phenomenon, unique for the Baltics (and the entire Baltic coast), requires further study.


Baltic archaeology, Sambia Peninsula, Prussian tribal area, hillforts, barrows, coastal sites.

Vladimir I. Kulakov

Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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