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The article discusses the funeral rite of the late-Scythian population of Northwestern Crimea from the mid-2nd c. BC to the end of the 1st c. AD, based on the materials of the ground and burial mound necropolises of Kara-Tobe, Cercinitis, Chayka, Yuzhno-Donuzlavskoye Settlement, Belyaus, Kulchuk, Dzhan-Baba and Kalos Limen. A characteristic feature of the funeral rite of Crimean Scythia was the practice of multiple additional burials with the displacement of previously buried bodies to the wall of the burial chamber. Some features of the late-Scythian burial rite were infl uenced by the Greek population. These are children’s burials in amphorae, the use of relief steles on tombstones, the presence of oil lamps in graves, the construction of cenotaphs and the use of stone crypts with stepped ceilings, characteristic of the Greek population of the Bosporan Kingdom in the 1st c. AD.


Northwestern Crimea, Crimean Scythia, Late Hellenistic period, Early Roman period, late Scythians, funeral rite.

Konstantin S. Korshun

Institute of Archaeology of Crimea, Russian Academy of Science, Simferopol, Russia

Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

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