Note IV publishes several new graffiti of Berezan, Olbia and its chora, especially homemade amulets. Note V provides an overview of some publications on graffiti from the same centers, including recent articles by the author. Note VI is dedicated to a long-known inscription from the 3rd century BC on a lead plate, which some scholars considered slander, others, including the author, considered a private letter. Recently A.V. Belousov actively developed the first point of view. The author of these notes refutes Belousov’s arguments in detail and provides evidence that this letter is connected with the vicissitudes of a certain process. Philological note VII is dedicated to the mysterious poet of the archaic era Margites and his poem of the same name, which parodies the Homeric epic. Based on the evidence of Plato, the author rejects what has been common since the 4th century BC until Late Antiquity, the opinion about the fool Margites comes to the conclusion that Margites “the fool” is a pseudonym that parodies the common epithets of Homer “wise”, “wise poet”.
Berezan island, Olvia Pontica and its chora, graffiti, revision, private letter, Margites.
Valeriy P. Yaylenko
Independent researcher, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: valeryjailenko@gmail.com
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