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The article presents the results of studying the anthropological material from the 1st – 3rd cc. AD stone crypt excavated in Kerch in 2018. The bones were significantly damaged both in antiquity and during the removal from the burial. Based on the counting of homologous skeletal elements, the minimum number of individuals was established. Basic demographic parameters are calculated. The gender and age composition of the sample suggests that belonging to the same family was not the main criterion for burial in the crypt. The main characteristics of the group find analogies with samples from synchronous burial chamber of Phanagoria.


Bosporan kingdom, Roman period, anthropology, gender and age structure, pathologies and anomalies on bones.

Violetta P. Guseva, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Kolomna Archaeological Center, Kolomna, Russia,

Nataliya G. Svirkina, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

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