The article is devoted to the analysis of bronze rings of the so-called Ptolemaic type, on the bezels of which there are mainly female portraits. The finger rings in question come mainly from the Northern Pontic region, primarily from the territory of the Bosporan Kingdom. Basing on the analysis and comparison of portraits on coins and rings, attributions of images on the finger rings as portraits of Arsinoe II, Berenice II and Arsinoe III, as well as male portraits, which some researchers identified as images of Ptolemy II and Ptolemy III, are proposed. The peculiarities of the geographical distribution of the finds, the features and chronology of the burial contexts in which the finger rings were found, are analyzed. In conclusion, the problems of interpretation of rings are considered, which could explain the high concentration of their finds in the North Pontic area and especially in the territory of the Bosporan Kingdom.
Ptolemaic dynasty, rulers‘ portraits, fi nger rings, North Pontic area, Bosporan Kingdom.
Mikhail Yu. Treister
Independent Researcher, Bonn, Germany
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