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The paper focuses on the personal relationship between the eminent emperors of the Later Roman history, Diocletian and Constantine the Great. Both emperors are considered to be the founders of the Dominate, new socio-political system of the Roman Empire. Moreover, Constantine the Great is recognized by scholars as the successor of Diocletian’s undertakings in the fi eld of administration. The question of the personal relationship between the two rulers, however, hasn’t attracted due attention. Meanwhile its resolution would help in the future to understand the nature of both reformers and Constantin’s perception of himself as the successor of Diocletian. Emperors got acquainted about 293 years, and until the death of Diocletian were in contact with each other. It is worth to say that during the period of intercommunication they reversed roles: Diocletian made the way from emperor to a private person and saw the collapse of his system. Constantine, on the contrary, achieved the imperial title. As a source base for the research, author of the present article uses the extensive narrative tradition (within which the Constantine’s statements are preserved), as well as epigraphic and numismatic data. Thus, the conclusions can be supported with the help of a comprehensive analysis of sources of diff erent types.


Later Roman Empire, Constantine the Great, Constantinian Dynasty, Diocletian, Tetrarchy, Imperial Ideology, Dominate.

Ivan A. Mirolyubov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

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