In 2018, a hoard of 23 Roman coins of the 3rd and 4th centuries AD was accidentally discovered near the southeastern border of the fortifi ed Ilyich 1 settlement. Apart from the folles of Galerius (1), Maximinus II (1), Licinius I (8), Constantine I (8), and Constantine II as Caesar (1), the purse includes two cast bronze copies of silver denarii of Septimius Severus and Plautilla, and two antoniniani of Claudius II and Aurelian. Since the staters of Rhescuporis VI dated from AD 327/328 were the latest in the Ilyich 1977 hoard, the authors believe that both hoards were concealed at the same time during the barbarian attack on the Ilyich settlement.
Cimmerian Bosporus, Ilyich 1 settlement, coin hoards, Roman coins.
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