The article considers the phalerae found as part of the gala horse bridle set in the cache of the Burial-mound No. 1/1985 near the settlement of Dachi nearby Azov. Phalerae with bronze lining are decorated with large polished agate inlays with medallions with garnet, turquoise and coral inlays on their top, and gold lion fi gures in high relief, with turquoise inlays. The large banded agate inlays that adorned the central part of the phalerae, perhaps, secondary used hemispherical bowls, are unique for toreutics from the North Pontic region.
Taking into account the dating of the burial within the last quarter of the 1st century AD, the decoration of the central rosettes on top of the phalerae using the cloisonne technique, which was especially widespread in the North Pontic region in the middle and third quarter of the 1st century AD, probably, the manufacture of the phalerae should also be attributed to the same time. Figures of lions on the phalerae fi nd a parallel in a gold fi gurine adorning the lid of a gold fl ask with fi gural zoomorphic handles and a Sarmatian tamga soldered on the bottom, presumably found in Olbia or Kerch. Similar in iconography are also relief images of recumbent lions on rectangular or oval pedestals, made of the so-called “Egyptian faience”, which were widespread in the Northern Black Sea region, also very often found in the Sarmatian burials. Garnet gems with images of Nemesis from Smyrna and Artemis, inserted into one of the phalarae, can be confi dently identifi ed as products of the Bosporan workshop of the 1st century AD.
These unique items of horse harness, which fell into the possession of a nomad buried in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the Bosporan Kingdom (Tanais), can probably be considered as a diplomatic gift. It is possible that the phalerae, separately or as a part of the precious horse bridle set could in this case have been obtained by the representative of the highest nomadic nobility even during the events of the Bosporan-Roman war of AD 45–49, similarly to set of four silver cups of the Bosporan origin which found their way into the cache of a burial located near the village of Dachi, in the Burial-mound no. 28/1982 of the Vysochino-VII cemetery.
North Pontic area, Asian Sarmatia, phalerae of horse harness, decorations made of agate, iconography of images of a lying lion, gems of the Bosporan workshop, iconography of Nemesis, Artemis, the Roman-Bosporan War of AD 45–49.
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