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The main objective of this work is to test the capabilities of the geographic information system “Russian Archeological Sites”, created by the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, on materials from one of local ‘archaeological regions’ of Russia – the Taman Peninsula (Temryuksky District, Krasnodar Krai). The system has been provided with the data on all archaeological heritage sites known from excavations of 1944– 1954 and 2008–2014. These sites have the accurate geographical reference according to the data from GPS devices shown in respective reports, or their location has been restored on the basis of topographic maps and descriptions (in disputable situations, we checked it on site). We have examined the distribution of sites by types and periods. It has been found out that the dominating types of sites in the peninsula are barrow groups and settlements. Most of sites belong to antiquity, followed by medieval sites. Prehistoric periods (Stone and Bronze Ages) are represented by just a few sites. Currently, the geographic information system created by the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences serves as the most complete map of archaeological heritage of the Taman Peninsula with accurate geographical references. Our work has shown the potential for scientific application of the geographic information system “Russian Archeological Sites” not only at the macro-level, but also at the level of an individual region.


Geographic information system, mapping, Taman Peninsula, settlements, barrows.

Olga V. Zelentsova, Aleksey N. Voroshilov, Anton A. Strokov

Institute Archaeology IA RAS, Moscow, Russia

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