Among numerous rock art sites of Oglakhty archaeological complex (Republic of Khakassia) there is a location of petroglyphs and paintings on coastal rocks of eastern slope of the mountain range which is named as Bugaev Log or Oglakhty VII. On main panel, zoomorphic depictions are represented in a stylistic manner which is close to local archaic tradition but in the same time these petroglyphs seem to look as quite recent ones. Pecking marks are so clear and light that they are comparable only to experimental samples of percussion which were made just recently, they are even lighter than medieval petroglyphs. Careful study of the rock surface with petroglyphs and comparative traceological analysis of light and patinated pecking marks on the main panel of Oglakhty VII were carried out. The combination of archaic stylistic manner with absence of desert varnish or biofi lms on some depictions has to be explained. Various hypotheses are considered. The paper concluded that several petroglyphs were certainly renewed, and in those cases unpatinated pecking marks could not be explained by specifi c natural conservation conditions.
Minusinsk basin, Oglakhty, Bugaev Log, rock art, petroglyphs, technotraceological analysis of rock art.
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