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The article concerns the tile stamps from Gorgippia, the Bosporan city, with the legends АРХ, ΑΡΧΕΙΑ, АРΧΕΙ[.]. The author argues the earlier suggested explanations of them as palace or state building designation, an expression “roof-tile for the state authorities” or an attribute ἀρχεία which characterizes the tile itself. He is also arguing with A.V. Kovalchuk who considered these stamps to be a genitive of the personal name Ἀρχείας in Doric dialect. This name is testifi ed only once in Boiotia and has never been evidenced at Bosporus especially in Doric dialectal form. He concludes that these stamps have two types and represent the abbreviations of personal names ΑΡΧΕΙΣ = Ἀρχέστρατος and АРХ, ΑΡΧΕΙΑ = Ἀρχεάναξ (=Ἀρχιάναξ) in traditional for the Bosporan phonetics ε = ει or ι = ει which is witnessed in local inscriptions since the 4th c. BC until the Roman period. Among the deteriorated stamps ΑΡΧΕΙΑ one has a lunar sign ( in the end which means “a half” (there was a long standing incorrect opinion that it denoted an abbreviation of names). This fact gives an opportunity to consider that the stamps ΑΡΧΕΙΣ = Ἀρχεισ(τράτου), АРХ, ΑΡΧΕΙΑ = Ἀρχειά(νακτος) correspond to the typology of roof-tile stamping at Bosporus in the middle – third/ early last quarter of the 4th century BC. Such stamps appeared in course of active building policy in the city of Sindian limen which was later reorganized into polis Gorgippia. Building activity there in the second half of the 4th century BC and the appearance of local roof-tile production caused the stamping of tiles as АРХ, ΑΡΧΕΙΑ, ΑΡΧΕΙΣ due to the development of building programs and craft at Bosporus during the tyranny of Pairisades I.


Roof-tile, roof-tile stamps, Cimmerian Bosporus, Gorgippia, Sindian limen, Panticapaeum, Hermonassa, the agonistic catalogue of Gorgippia, Greek onomastics, personal names Archestratos, Archaianactids, Archeanax, Archias, Archeas, Boiotia.

Sergey Yu. Saprykin

The Moscow State University, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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