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Problems of reforming the system of Soviet art criticism and its sections of the history of art of the ancient world, in the context of the Decisions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on history in the 1930s. is in focus of this paper. Materials of the scientifi c archive of the Russian Academy of Arts are the basis of the study. The reconstruction of the processes of transformation of historical art history and the study of the history of art of the ancient world in the context of world history is proposed on the basis of transcripts of the discussions of the Academy. These transcripts appeared as a result of discussions by the faculty of the All-Russian Academy of Arts. The process of restructuring historical science and the formation at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leningrad of an independent art history faculty (later – the faculty of theory and history of art) took place in the 1930s. The beginning of the training of specialists in the fi eld of historical art history also took place during these years. The general history and history of the arts of the ancient world and the ancient East were of great importance in the training of art historians. The formation of the educational and methodological support of the educational process (writing course programs and the publication of educational literature) and the solution of important issues of periodization of the art of the ancient world and the methods of its study took place at the Department of Ancient World History, headed by Professor Bogaevsky. An analysis of these processes and a review of the transcripts of two meetings of the Academy of Arts, 1938 are presented in the article.

The issues of periodization of the art of the ancient East, the genesis and evolution of ancient Egyptian art, the principles of the analysis of works of art, the boundaries of the ancient world and the features of the development of individual forms of art in connection with the stages of development of slave-owning oriental society were refl ected in the transcripts of discussions.

In addition, these discussions were an important stage in the formation of Soviet historical art history and the development of scientific schools in the study of the art of the ancient world and the ancient East.


Ancient art, art of the Ancient East, All-Russian Academy of Arts, art history, history of art education, periodization of Ancient art history.

Mikhail D. Bukharin, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Olga S. Sapanzha, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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