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In 1976, O.A. Sukhareva expressed her doubts concerning the traditional date for the Madrasa of Khalif Niyaz-kul (Chor Minor) in Bukhara. She was urged by its mention in the late 18th century documents. In 2001, A. von Kyugelgen suggested that the date on the wall of Chor Minor was not the date of its building but the date of the foundation of the vaquf. In 2012, in Darwaz (in Tajikistan) at the site which can be dated not later than the late 17th century a structure was found (conventionally named Panjmanor) very similar to the Madrasa of Khalif Niyaz-kul (Chor Minor) in Bukhara. It allows one to reconsider the dating of the madrasa. Photographs made after the demolition of the cells surrounding the structure show that the entrance to the madrasa was built earlier than other rooms. Therefore, it is possible suggest, in support of Sukhareva’s idea, an earlier date for the Chor Minor structure, which fi nds other parallels in medieval Islamic architecture. It can be dated to the period before the end of the 17th century or even earlier.


Archaeology, Bukhara, Darvaz, Hyderabad, Chor Minor, “Panjmanor”, Char Minar.

Larisa O. Smirnova

State Hermitage, Saint Petersburg, Russia

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