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The paper deals with the problem of identifying the emperor and the god Horus. The victorious image of the Roman ruler, identifi ed with the falcon god, was promoted through images on the temple reliefs, coins, and was worshipped in the private religious associations. According to the text of the Greek papyrus P.Giss 3, the features of the solar gods Horus, Apollo and Jupiter appeared in the image of the living emperor, Hadrian, who identifi ed with them in the Nile valley and acted as psychopomp leading the late ruler to the sky. The ruler also performed in the image of Horus-Helios-Ra manifesting himself as Sol Invictus. The departed emperor, Trajan, absorbed the features of Jupiter the Triumphant and Osiris – the winner of death. The contamination of the image of the late emperor-father and that of the living ruler-son, refl ected in P. Giss 3, found in the temples of Egypt where Horus and Osiris were identifi ed. The Ka-τύχη of the living monarch, identified with Horus, and that of the late ruler in the image of the godfather were closely interconnected, had the Egyptian and Greco-Roman background and became a factor in legitimizing the power of the ruling emperor. The combination of the Egyptian and Greco-Roman features in the emperor’s image was a new form of interpretation of the power of the ruler in the Nile Valley.


Imperial cult, Roman Egypt, Horus-Apollo, Jupiter, Helios-Ra, Osiris, spirit Ka, τύχη -genius, Hadrian, Trajan.

Sergey A. Kachan

Independent Researcher, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

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