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Any large study, on the one hand, solves a number of issues, on the other – generates new ones. So, the study of the Great Abkhazian (Kelasur) wall, carried out by the author in 2013–2016, gave an accurate localization of the studied objects, partially solved the problem of dating, but gave rise to a number of new questions, including the following: which state built this wall? This article is devoted to the answer to this question. An attempt is made to look at the history of Abkhazia of that period, as it is refl ected in the sources, and how these sources are interpreted by various researchers, in the light of already updated data on the localization of the wall and its dating, as well as the opening of the ancient fortress in the city of Sochi and on the basis of these data to reconstruct the main boundaries between its historical areas. Sanigiya is the most Western part of the ancient Abkhazia. It was located to the North of the river Bzyb, on the territory of modern Gagra district of the Republic of Abkhazia and, partly on the territory of the municipal resort city of Sochi, Krasnodar region of Russia (Greater Sochi). The borders Abazgii actually coincide with the boundaries of the present-day Gudauta district, ethnically “Bzyb Abkhazia” from the Bzyb river to the West, up to Anakopia (modern New Athos) in the East. Misiminiya is the most mysterious region of ancient Abkhazia. There is little information about it. Based on the information of the Byzantine historian Agafi a it can be assumed that the territory of Misiminia covered the province of Dal and Tsabal (modern Tsebelda). The name of the tribe inhabiting ancient Assyria was the source of the modern self-name of all Abkhazian peoples – Apsua. The name of the tribe inhabiting ancient Assyria was the source of the modern self-name of all Abkhazian peoples – Apsua. This area was located in most of the territory of modern Ochamchyr, partially – Tkuarchal districts of Abkhazia, ethnically - “Abzhuy Abkhazia” and was surrounded by the Kelasurskaya wall.


Late antiquity and the early middle ages, Abkhazia, Apsilia, Abazgia, Sanigiya, Massimini, Kelasurskaya wall

Galina V. Trebeleva

Institute of Archeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

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