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The article presents the results of the study of hand-made pottery from the 2016 excavations of Polyanka settlement (the 1st century BC) in the Crimean Azov region. The fragments of 174 vessels were researched and morphological types of vessels were determined by means of the methods of technological analysis, developed by A.A. Bobrinsky. The author has specifi ed that all the researched pottery was made of sea liman silt and silty clay with addition of crushed shell and organic liquors. No pottery made of usual clay has been discovered at the settlement. Only two vessels of all the researched ones are made in the mixed pottery traditions of paste composing. This indicates a very weak process of mixing the inhabitants of the settlement with the foreign population-carriers of other traditions of making traditions different from their own. Morphologically, the researched ceramic complex of Polyanka settlement is homogeneous, except the vessels which are imitations of Greek wheel-made ware. The analogies for the most vessel types of Polyanka refer mainly to the monuments of the rural territory of European Bosporus. The author supposes that hand-made pottery of Polyanka settlement was made by native barbarian people whose pottery traditions kept both the most archaic features (making pottery of silt) and the latest ones (using silty clay). This population consisted of related groups which had some difference in cultural traditions of making pottery based on using silty raw material of sea limans. Preservation and wide extension of such pottery traditions among the native population of European and Asiatic Bosporus in antique time is a phenomenon distinguishing the cultural traditions of this region from those known in other territories in the Early Iron age.


Bosporus, Crimean Azov region, Polyanka settlement, hand-made pottery, cultural pottery traditions.

Marina E. Klemeshova

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

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