The article consists of two parts. The fi rst one contains of the publication of ten new graffi ti from the excavations of Phanagoria. They are dated back to the end of 6th – 4th centuries BC. The graffiti include new names of the inhabitants of the city. This group of inscriptions on ceramics is supplemented by previously published sources with the names of Phanagorians, including-tile stamps and 2 inscription on a lead plate from Phanagoria, which is proposed to date on the basis of paleography the last quarter of the 4th – fi rst quarter of the 3rd centuries BC, and not the 3rd – 2nd centuries BC, as its publishers believed. As a result, the 34 new names are added to the well-known 19 names in the Phanagorian onomasticon. The second part is devoted to the analysis of this group of names in order to supplement our ideas about the Phanagorian onomasticon in the pre-Hellenistic time. The ethnocultural characteristics of the names are as follows. The main group is Panhellenic names. They divide into three subgroups: the simple, the composite, and the theophoric ones. It is interesting to note two local variants of the spelling of simple names (Ἀγύας, Νευμήνιος). The category of barbarous names, not homogeneous in its composition, falls into three ethnic groups – the Thracian names (Σπάρ<τοκος> (or Σπαρ<τοκίων>), Κότυ<ς>( or Κοτυ<τίς>, Κοτυ<τών>), Ἀριουσαλής, Διονῦς) the West-Anatolian names (Ἀδούξης, Ἀτότης, Δασις, Κλαυς, fem. Νύση, Σονας), the Iranian names (Αρατρις, Αρπατρις, Ὄρχαμος), the Egyptian name (Ἄμασις). Four of them are met for the fi rst time in the ancient onomasticon (Αρατρις, Αρπατρις ,Κλαυς, Σονας).
Bosporus, Phanagoria, the ancient Greek society, inscriptions in ceramics, the Late Archaic and the Classical periods, anthroponomy.
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